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The Role of Audits in UK Subsidiaries: Necessity, Benefits, and Considerations

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Jose Kim is the founder of Gorilla Overview. Jose has been running Gorilla Overview and learning self-development, personal finance, and investment for the last 3 years. Jose has been creating celebrity net worth websites for the past 5 years. Currently, he is focusing on building Gorilla Overview. Jose and his team were previously working on the popular entertainment website known as "Bio Overview" which became one of the fastest-growing websites in the world. Jose doesn't use personal social media anymore, so you won't be able to find him on Instagram, or Twitter.

In today’s interconnected global business environment, subsidiaries play a pivotal role in the expansion and success of multinational corporations. A subsidiary is an entity partially or wholly owned by another company, the parent company. These subsidiaries often operate in different countries, providing a local presence and access to new markets. This article will focus on UK subsidiaries, exploring their critical role in international business.

Necessity of UK Subsidiaries

The United Kingdom is in a good spot for doing business globally. It’s like being at a crossroads where many important paths meet, making it easier to reach different markets worldwide. 

The UK has a strong and reliable economy. Think of it like a steady and dependable boat in a sea of business; it’s less likely to rock or capsize than weaker economies.

The rules and laws in the UK are clear and fair. It’s like playing a game where everyone knows and follows the rules, which makes doing business there more predictable and less risky.

The UK is a bridge or entrance to Europe and the wider world. It’s like having a key to two treasure chests, giving companies many opportunities in both areas. By setting up a subsidiary or a smaller company that is part of a larger company in the UK, businesses can use all these benefits to grow and succeed. It’s like setting up a shop in a busy mall with much foot traffic; it can lead to more customers and business.

Big companies like Google and Amazon have created their subsidiaries in the UK. They’ve used these smaller, UK-based parts of their companies to grow even bigger and become more influential in the market.

Benefits of Establishing a Subsidiary in the UK


Having a subsidiary in the UK is like having a well-equipped base in a great location with a strong team and good rewards. It helps companies sell more, make more money, and grow their business in a supportive and advantageous environment. Let’s dive more into the benefits:

  • Access to UK and European Markets: 

Having a subsidiary, or a smaller part of a bigger company, in the UK lets businesses easily reach and sell to many people in the UK and Europe. It’s like having a store in a popular shopping area where many potential customers are walking by.

  • Increase Market Share and Revenue: 

By being in these markets, companies can sell more products or services, which means they can own a bigger piece of the market pie and make more money. It’s like expanding your lemonade stand to more neighborhoods to sell more lemonade and earn more.

  • Business-Friendly Environment: 

The UK is a good business place because it’s supportive and easy to work in. Imagine a playground with nice equipment and helpful supervisors; it’s a good place for kids to play, just like the UK is for businesses.

  • Robust Legal System: 

The UK has strong and clear laws. This is like having clear rules in a game everyone understands and follows, making it a fair and safe place to play (or do business).

  • Highly Skilled Workforce: 

There are lots of well-educated and skilled people in the UK to hire. It’s like having a team of expert players in a sport; they can help you win the game (or succeed in business).

  • Favorable Taxation and Financial Incentives: 

The UK offers good tax rules and money benefits for businesses. This is like getting discounts and rewards for playing well in a game, making it more attractive to play there.

  • Examples of Successful Companies: 

Big companies like Toyota and Samsung have used all these benefits in their UK subsidiaries and have done well. It’s like players who used the playground’s best equipment and rules to have a great game and win.

Considerations When Setting Up a UK Subsidiary


When establishing a subsidiary in the UK, companies must navigate a range of legal and regulatory considerations and ensure compliance with UK business laws and regulations. Understanding and adapting to local business practices and consumer preferences are crucial for success.

Navigating Legal and Regulatory Considerations: 

When a company sets up a smaller part of its business (a subsidiary) in the UK, it’s like entering a new game. They have to learn and follow this game’s specific rules and laws to avoid any trouble. Knowing these rules well is important so you don’t make mistakes.

Understanding Local Business Practices and Consumer Preferences: 

It’s also key to understand how business is usually done in the UK and what the people living there like to buy. This is like knowing the local customs and tastes in a new town so you can fit in and be liked.

Financial Planning for Establishment and Operational Costs: 

Companies must carefully plan how much money they will spend setting up and running their subsidiary. Think of it like planning a budget for a big event; you need to know how much everything will cost so you don’t run out of money.

When setting up a subsidiary in the UK, it’s essential for companies to grasp the various financial and legal mechanisms available to them. This understanding not only aids in compliance with local laws but also in optimizing their financial strategies. For instance, one important aspect to consider is the establishment of trusts as a part of financial planning. Trusts can be a strategic tool for managing assets, offering potential tax advantages, and helping in estate planning.

In this context, Discretionary Trusts are particularly noteworthy. These are types of trusts where the distribution of assets is determined by the trustees’ discretion, offering flexibility and control. To gain a deeper understanding of what are Discretionary Trusts, you can read more about them here. This resource by Price Bailey provides valuable insights into what are Discretionary Trusts and how they can be beneficial for businesses and individuals.

Conducting Risk Assessments: 

Before starting, it’s smart to check for any potential risks that could affect the business, like changes in politics, the economy, or the market. It’s like checking the weather and road conditions before going on a road trip so you’re prepared for anything that might come up.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Companies from other countries set up in the UK might find that the way people do things, communicate, and behave is different. It’s like going to a friend’s house where the rules and customs are different from your home.

These companies also have to deal with complicated rules and laws in the UK. It’s like playing a game with a lot of complex rules that are different from the games they are used to.

There’s also the challenge of facing other companies that are trying to sell similar products or services. It’s like being in a race where there are many other runners trying to win, too.

Overcoming Challenges: 

To deal with these issues, companies need to do a few things:

Thorough Market Research: 

This means studying the UK market carefully to understand what people want, how they shop, and what other companies are doing. It’s like doing homework before a big test.

Effective Strategy Planning: 

They need to plan how they will compete, like deciding on prices, marketing, and products. This is like making a game plan for a sports team to win a game.

Seeking Local Expertise: 

Sometimes, it’s helpful to get advice from people who are already familiar with the UK market. It’s like asking a local guide for directions in a new city.

Example of Success: Nissan, a big car company, is an example of a foreign company that managed to do all this well in the UK. They figured out how to deal with the cultural differences, complex rules, and competition and became successful in the UK market.


UK subsidiaries are crucial for companies looking to expand their global presence and tap into the UK and European markets. While there are challenges and considerations to account for, the benefits often outweigh the difficulties. As the role of UK subsidiaries continues to evolve, especially in the post-Brexit era, their strategic importance in the global business environment remains significant.

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