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Chrome Accessibility Testing: Techniques for Developers

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Jose Kim is the founder of Gorilla Overview. Jose has been running Gorilla Overview and learning self-development, personal finance, and investment for the last 3 years. Jose has been creating celebrity net worth websites for the past 5 years. Currently, he is focusing on building Gorilla Overview. Jose and his team were previously working on the popular entertainment website known as "Bio Overview" which became one of the fastest-growing websites in the world. Jose doesn't use personal social media anymore, so you won't be able to find him on Instagram, or Twitter.

In today’s digitally transforming world, making websites accessible to all users is not only a recommended practice but an extreme need.  Accessibility isn’t always only a matter of attention; it is an essential requirement for making sure that the web is inclusive of all individuals, regardless of their competencies. Chrome offers strong tools and features tailored to the accessibility of websites and internet programs. Accessibility testing for Chrome guarantees that people with disabilities can access and understand websites at their best. Even though the concept of accessibility may seem intimidating, modern internet technologies, along with Chrome DevTools, provide developers with robust capabilities for comparing and improving the accessibility of their websites.

Chrome accessibility testing stands as a vital pillar in the pursuit of inclusive web experiences, striving to remove limitations and provide equal access to statistics and development. From auditing for common accessibility pitfalls to simulating reports for users with disabilities, Chrome empowers developers to craft virtual experiences that prioritize inclusivity. Through Chrome accessibility testing, developers embark on a journey to create digital landscapes where everyone can interact and engage with content seamlessly.

What is Chrome Accessibility Testing?

Chrome accessibility testing guarantees that websites and online apps are usable and navigable by people with impairments, promoting inclusion in the digital world. Using Chrome’s built-in tools and extensions, developers may run a variety of tests to discover and fix accessibility issues.

Automation testing tools, such as Chrome Accessibility Developer Tools and numerous Chrome extensions, provide fast assessments of web pages for typical accessibility concerns. These programs provide reports that highlight issues and provide ideas for improvement. Manual testing techniques include keyboard navigation and screen reader testing to guarantee that all interactive aspects are accessible and adequately communicated to people with impairments.

Chrome accessibility testing also looks at color contrast, responsive design, and interoperability with assistive technology. Developers may ensure that their websites adapt effortlessly to a wide range of user situations by mimicking various screen sizes and devices.

Chrome accessibility testing simplifies Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and ADA compliance by scanning the entire page, multiple pages, partial pages, and workflows. It increases accessibility by supporting screen readers, offering an automated SDK, and adopting frequent monitoring schedules. Testing is done to verify that the application being tested is useable by persons with impairments such as hearing loss, color blindness, advanced age, and other disadvantaged groups. It’s a subset of Usability Testing.

People with impairments utilize assistive technology to use software product. Examples of such software include:

  • Speech recognition software converts spoken words into text, which is then used as input by the computer.
  • Screen reader software reads aloud the words on the screen.
  • Screen Magnification Software is used to expand the monitor and make reading easier for visually challenged individuals.
  • Special keyboard designed for persons with motor control issues to make typing easier.

Furthermore, accessibility testing on humans with impairments offers beneficial information on the accessibility and usability of websites from their perspective.

Types of Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing is a means of checking websites to ensure that material is accessible without relying on typical modes of interaction. It guarantees that websites and applications are easy to use for everyone, including those with impairments such as visual or hearing challenges, as well as other physical or cognitive issues.

Each method of testing has advantages, and combining different techniques is frequently the best way to ensure a thorough workflow in the process of the software development lifecycle. Accessibility tests can be conducted using functional, usability, compatibility, and performance testing methods.

  • Functional Testing

Functional testing is a sort of testing that determines whether each program feature meets the software requirements. Each function is compared to the associated requirement to determine whether its output matches the end user’s expectations. The testing is carried out by providing sample inputs, recording the results, and ensuring that the actual outputs match the intended outputs.

This sort of testing entails assessing the functionality of software delivery to guarantee that it is widely used by everyone. It entails testing the product, service, or environment using assistive devices such as screen readers, keyboard-only navigation, and actual persons with impairments.

  • Usability Testing

Usability testing is a technique for evaluating the functioning of a website, application, computer software, or other digital product by watching real users attempt to accomplish activities on it. Researchers working for a firm often study consumers during an in-person or, more commonly, remote usability testing session. This sort of testing involves assessing a product, service, or environment to verify that it is simple to comprehend and utilize. This may entail hiring persons with impairments to test the product and provide feedback on their experiences.

  • Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing investigates and compares capability across numerous browsers, devices, platforms, and working systems to detect any differences. Browser compatibility testing guarantees that your product or software program operates properly in its intended environment. This sort of testing assesses the compatibility of a product, service, or surroundings with various devices, browsers, and assistive technology. This will entail testing the product on distinct operating structures, browsers, and cellular gadgets, as well as an expansion of assistive technologies.

  • Performance Testing

Performance testing is the process of determining how responsive and stable a system is under a certain workload. Performance tests are often used to assess speed, robustness, dependability, and application size. This sort of testing entails determining how well a product operates to ensure its versatility. It may also entail evaluating a website’s or application’s load time, as well as the responsiveness of devices and interfaces.

Accessibility testing techniques for developers using Chrome DevTools

Accessibility testing with Chrome DevTools is a treasured way for application and software developers to ensure that websites are integrated and usable for all customers, including those with disabilities. Chrome Development Tools offers several features to help web developers perceive and debug accessibility problems.

Here are some of the important integrated functions and strategies:

  • Accessibility Panel: Chrome Development Tools has an accessibility panel that gives a detailed assessment of a website’s accessibility issues. To use this panel’s built-in integrated DevTools, go to the “Accessibility” page.
  • Audit: The Accessibility panel integrated an “Audit” function that allowed you to run automated exams built into your built-in web page to identify unusual accessibility troubles. This audit offers a list of built-in accessibility violations.
  • Elements Panel: The elements panel built using Chrome DevTools allows you to integrate elements on a web page and consider their accessibility. You can pick out an element and navigate to the “Accessibility” segment of the integrated patterns to view its accessibility properties, including ARIA roles, states, and properties.
  • Accessibility Tree: Chrome DevTools also have an accessibility tree feature that gives a hierarchical illustration of the accessibility properties of a web page. You can view this tree via the “Accessibility” tab of the integrated elements panel.
  • Color comparison ratio: Chrome DevTools has a color picker tool that allows you to test the assessment ratio between text and background color. Maintaining a good enough shade comparison ratio is vital for visually impaired users.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Chrome DevTools allows you to test keyboard navigation on your page by navigating integration through the page built for the keyboard. This makes sure that customers who depend on keyboard navigation can access all the built-in interactive factors.
  • Screen reader testing: At the same time as Chrome DevTools does not include a screen reader, you could use it on the side of third-party display readers, such as integrated NVDA or VoiceOver, to test how your built-in interpreted display reader software works.

By leveraging these capabilities and techniques of Chrome DevTools, developers can discover accessibility techniques and address accessibility problems early in the software development lifecycle, resulting in more inclusive and usable websites for all users.

LambdaTest for Chrome Accessibility Testing

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform for Chrome accessibility testing that enables developers to easily create and test accessible web applications. It integrates into your workflow, providing all necessary tools and features for detecting, fixing, and ensuring that the online project meets accessible requirements. It is recommended for an optimal and effective procedure to guarantee that all of your websites fulfill accessibility requirements.

To utilize LambdaTest for Chrome accessibility testing, take the following steps:

  1. Install the LambdaTest Accessibility Toolkit: Navigate to the accessibility dashboard on the LambdaTest platform and select the “Download Plugin” option. This will connect you to the Chrome Web Store. Click “Add to Chrome” to install and pin the extension.
  2. Access the Accessibility Developer Tools: Navigate to the Inspect panel for your preferred website. Navigate to the Accessibility Developer Tools panel.
  3. Run Your Quick Scan: Make sure your browser has Accessibility DevTools enabled. To activate the Accessibility DevTool, navigate to the Inspect panel >> LambdaTest Accessibility DevTools of your desired website. To scan for accessibility issues, click the “Full Page Scan, Partial Page Scan, Multi Page Scan, or Workflow Scan” option.
  4. Review your issues: After the scan, all problems will be listed. Click on the issues to determine which aspect is creating the problem. You may check your website’s accessibility compliance against the relevant WCAG version.

LambdaTest’s interface with Chrome DevTools allows developers to do thorough accessibility testing right within their browser environment. This integration enables developers to use Chrome DevTools’ built-in accessibility auditing tools and run automated accessibility checks on their websites.

Need for Chrome Accessibility Testing

First, Chrome accessibility testing enables developers to discover and rectify commonplace accessibility issues, including lacking alt text for snapshots, insufficient color contrast, and improperly labeled shape fields. By utilizing Chrome’s accessibility tools, website developers can efficiently audit web pages for those troubles and ensure compliance with accessibility standards, just like the WCAG.

Moreover, Chrome’s compatibility with diverse assistive technology makes it a perfect platform for accessibility. Developers can simulate the reviews of customers with disabilities, along with display screen reader users or keyboard-simplest users, to assess the accessibility of their websites comprehensively.

Moreover, conducting accessibility testing using Chrome promotes inclusivity and enhances consumer confidence for all customers, regardless of their capabilities. By prioritizing accessibility, web developers can create virtual environments that cater to the diverse desires of users and ensure equitable access to data and services online from any part of the world.


In conclusion, Chrome accessibility testing stands as a cornerstone for built-inclusive internet experiences, ensuring that digital landscapes cater to customers of all competencies. Its testing pursues to address the wishes of those diverse consumer corporations by way of ensuring that websites and web packages are perceivable, operable, comprehensible, and robust for all customers, no matter their capabilities. With the built-in harnessing of Chrome’s equipment and extensions, developers can meticulously evaluate integrated websites and packages, integrate them, and rectify accessibility boundaries effectively. From debugging errors to simulating integrated reports for users with disabilities, Chrome accessibility testing fosters a way of life of integrated inclusivity.

Moreover, LambdaTest emerges as a pivotal part of extending its testing competencies to embody Chrome accessibility testing. Integrating seamlessly with Chrome’s accessibility features, LambdaTest empowers developers to conduct thorough evaluations, ensuring that websites prioritize compliance with accessibility requirements.

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